LCMEbooks Digital Download Portal
This website contains LCM Exams publications in digital format together with supplementary material and free audio downloads to accompany our publications. You can only purchase digital copies from this website. If you would prefer physical books the you will need to visit the book store at
Examination Handbooks
We currently have the following exam handbooks available: Music Theatre, Guitar (acoustic, electric & rock), Ukulele, Piano, Keyboards and Drum Kit. Other titles will be available from June.
Digital copies of exam handbooks are valid for examination purposes in the same way as physical books when the pdf book you purchase has been personalised - this will be the case for all handbooks purchased from this website from April 2021.
Music Theory Past Papers
Practising with past exam papers can provide ideal preparation for your LCM music theory exam. Past papers provide you with a clear example of the type and format of questions that may appear in the exam. LCM music theory exam past papers are available here as low-cost digital downloads.
You can order Grade Past Papers (Preliminary to Grade 8), Diploma Past Papers and Sample Answers for Step to Grade 8.
Exam Resources
Other Publications
Popular Music Theory Exams
LCM Exams also offers popular music theory exams for students of rock and pop music. Past papers for popular music theory exams are available from
Downloads for Guitar
The Downloads For Guitar website ( contains additional ebooks and audio downloads for Guitar and Ukulele. LCM Diploma handbooks for Electric and Jazz Guitar can be downloaded from here, alongside much of the accompanying audio for the graded guitar handbooks and many supporting publications.