- Grade
Handbooks - Performance
Diplomas - Improvising
Lead - Rhythm
Playing - Sight
Reading - Lessons
Series - Lead
Backing - Audio



Dowload the audio tracks for each diploma handbook
These audio tracks are free to download. They accompany the respective handbooks and correspond to the audio track listings in the books.
- Technical Study 1
- Technical Study 2
- Technical Study 3
- Black Magic Woman
- Still Got The Blues
- Surfing With The Alien
- Rhythm Guitar Playing Backing Trk 1
- Rhythm Guitar Playing Backing Trk 2
- Rhythm Guitar Playing Backing Trk 3
- Prepared Rhythm Guitar Playing Ex
- Lead Playing Sample Chord Prog 1
- Lead Playing Sample Chord Prog 2
- Lead Playing Sample Chord Prog 3
- Improvised Rhythm Guitar Playing Ex
- Technical Study 1
- Technical Study 2
- Technical Study 3
- ALCM-05-Need-Your-Love-So-Bad
- Shine On You Crazy Diamond Part 1
- For The Love Of God
- Rhythm Guitar Playing Backing Track 1
- Rhythm Guitar Playing Backing Track 2
- Rhythm Guitar Playing Backing Track 3
- Prepared Rhythm Guitar Playing Ex
- Lead Playing Sample Chord Prog 1
- Lead Playing Sample Chord Prog 2
- Lead Playing Sample Chord Prog 3
- Improvised Rhythm Guitar Playing Ex
- Chart Reading Example